Yves Leccia, Winegrower
Son, grandson, great-grandson of a winegrower, it is quite natural that Yves chose this path, although he decided to study.
When he obtained his diploma in oenology in 1980, Yves had to choose between returning to Corsica to work with his father or travelling the world...
He made the militant choice to return to the Island of Beauty, convinced that he would participate in its development.
He will put a lot of energy into developing the family estate while actively participating in the revival of the Corsican wine industry.
He was soon to become General Secretary of the Syndicat des Vins de Pays, then President of the Intersyndicale des AOC de Corse (now GIAC), President of the CIVC, while being administrator of the CIVAM (Centre Viticole de Recherche).
Today he is still President of UVA Corse and President of the Scientific and Technical Committee for Wine.
Latest news

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Wine through the pages